Understand the role of Amazon keyword research and ease off the burden with the helping hand of these tools. Check it out now and see what they are!

Whether you intend on running a PPC campaign or simply want to tighten your Amazon SEO, ensuring the quality of your keywords is the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy.

However, discovering the phrases and terms that reflect the tastes of potential customers is no easy task. If you have been struggling to keep up with what the shoppers are truly looking for, keep reading to find yourself the way out!

What Is Amazon Keyword Research?

Doing Amazon keyword research is a procedure in which you get to know which keywords your potential buyers have been using to describe a product in the search bar.  

Simply put, keywords are what online shoppers use to search for a particular item whenever they feel the need to buy one. There can be a short word like “used kindle” or lengthier phrases like “fashionable earrings for teens.” 

Despite their seemingly trivial appearance, keywords are fundamental to businesses, as they demonstrate customer behaviors and tell retailers what to pay attention to. This applies to both offline and online selling practices, and in this case, Amazon.

What Are The Benefits Of Keyword Research?

When it comes to auditing your Amazon product listing and making sure it stays as relevant as possible, keyword research is a foolproof solution. Below are a few reasons why you should always make an effort to learn which keywords to use and which to avoid.

  • It helps you increase your Amazon ranking: The algorithms of this platform evaluate a store based on its use of keywords. The more suitable keywords you manage to include in your webpage, the higher chance it stands of being featured in search page result 1 or 2.
  • It helps you reach out to customers easily: If you take advantage of the exact words and phrases the target audience frequently uses when online shopping, the exposure of your listing will undoubtedly increase. This means you can easily expand your customer base and convince them to take action within minutes.
  • It helps reinforce your brand image: Leaving your brand undefined is the last thing you want to do on Amazon, where there are multiple brands establishing their reputation. If you have yet to figure the unique selling points of your business, keyword research will give you valuable perspectives and shape the way you are building your enterprise.
  • It helps you understand your competitor: By browsing through the most popular keywords and estimating their effectiveness, you can get a glimpse into the performance of your opponents. Knowing which tactics they are implementing and whether they turn out to be sufficient save you the time and effort of testing these keywords yourself.
  • It helps raise the conversion rate: Customers would only buy an item if it fits their needs. And what is a better approach to advertise your product to users than utilizing descriptive keywords? When you put in enough terms and phrases that coincide with what the customers are thinking, there is no way they would ignore your offer.

4 Best Tools For Amazon Keyword Research



MerchantWords is a website that focuses mostly on Amazon SEO, including various options that you can explore should you want to improve your listing. A quick browse and you get to see the most recent fads on Amazon, illustrated by the search volume. 

Feel free to check out the popularity of pre-chosen keywords, demonstrated in their average frequency within the last 3 months and 12 months. 

Even better? MerchantWords shows you the number of ads displayed that utilize a specific term, so you have a basic grasp of the competition you are facing. Most of these insights are available free of charge, which is a big plus for this platform.

Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is a straightforward browser that presents the search volume per month, cost per click, and estimated competition rate of a series of keywords. 

Acting as an alternative to Google Keyword Planner, this website favors simplicity and does not have many interesting features besides its keyword tracking. Still, if you want to know whether a term has been thrown around a lot, Keyword Tool is an effortless choice.


If you cannot brainstorm and think of a proper set of keywords for your product listing, Sonar is more than willing to offer you suggestions. For example, you are selling bedsheets and would like to know how customers are referring to these.

All you need to do is type “bedsheet” into the search bar, and Sonar will give you 640 corresponding results. Each keyword is closely related to your original request, such as “bedsheet king size set” or “bedsheet full size.” 

You also get to see the approximate search volume for each word, so no worries about getting too niche or too sought-after phrases.

Jungle Scout


Jungle Scout is an all-in-one website with multiple services for Amazon retailers to exploit. Whether you want to determine the volume and relevance of a keyword or see how these keywords are ranked by Amazon, the platform is capable of handling all your requests.

It also comes with a live record of transactions happening in real-time, giving you a peek into keywords that deliver the highest traffic and conversion rate. 

While Jungle Scout requires an annual fee of nearly $100, it indeed provides otherwise unobtainable information to enhance the quality of your keyword research.


Conducting a thorough keyword analysis is a challenge to both amateur and experienced Amazon sellers, which is why you might want to have a look at www.olifantdigital.com

Here, rest assured that you will find comprehensive guidelines on how to figure out the most common and relevant terms for your product listing, as well as other tips and tricks about running an Amazon business. Apply this knowledge now and expect tangible results in no time soon!


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