CBD Madrid is an online magazine for cannabis enthusiasts in Madrid, Spain. The magazine aims to provide insights into the world of CBD through features, interviews and more.

This blog post is going to go over the different excerpts from articles posted on CBD Madrid that will be included in this collaborative effort by Australian recreational cannabis users and their Spanish counterparts. I will commentate on the differences and similarities between the nuances of recreational cannabis users in Spain and Australia.

The first article I came across, from May 2015, was titled ‘Cultivating Cannabis and Growing Communities’. The article discusses a project lead by CBD Madrid through which local enthusiasts were able to cultivate their own hemp plants with products provided by CBD Madrid. I found this interesting because it showed that local consumers in Madrid were more willing to buy from the CBD market instead of buying on the black market because there is less chance of fraud with certified products like those offered by CBD Madrid. From my experience in Australia, it seems that people prefer to buy from black market sources because of the price difference – it is cheaper and easier.

The article goes on to describe the process of growing cannabis plants through hemp seeds, which are legal to sell in Spain. The process requires intensive care and attention throughout the duration of growing, and takes about 2 months. I found it interesting that the plant was allowed to grow up to 2 meters high in order to receive similar levels of CBD as a cannabis plant grown indoors or outdoors, which are usually harvested at a height ranging from 2-5 feet.

The article discusses the cultivation of hemp plants in a town called ‘Ampuero’ in Galicia, where there is a strong and vibrant culture surrounding cannabis. As such, the local police are more lenient with regards to growing and consuming cannabis bulk weed.

From my observations of CBD consumers in Australia, it seems that many CBD users own their pets; dogs are common in CBD groups on Facebook. The article highlights the importance of having pets whilst cultivating plants for medical use; keeping insects and pests away from your precious crop is critical. Locals in Ampuerio have made this possible by letting people cultivate organic, natural hemp plants not too far from their house. Of course, the plants need to be kept hidden from plain sight; hence the importance of letting them grow in public sites.

The article describes a procedure that takes place before growing the plants. First, users have to apply for a license in order to grow plants for medical or recreational use. Permission has to be obtained from local residents or officials overseeing cultivation activities. The process usually takes about 1-2 months for approval.

After obtaining a license, it is time to plant the seeds sprouting from female cannabis plants commonly known as ‘mamma’ which are sold by CBD Madrid and come with instructions on how to extract CBD from them after they are dried and cured properly. The plant is then harvested after 8-16 weeks of growth.

When the buds of the plant are brown and dry, a drying process begins which takes about 7 days. After this, it is time to cure the buds. This process takes at least 3-4 weeks; during which time, the buds must be kept in controlled temperatures and humidity levels to ensure that moulds or other pathogens do not grow in them.

Lastly, the product comes with detailed instructions on how to use it:

After opening the package, smell your buds. If you smell a strong scent of hemp with some skunkiness to its fragrance; then your cannabis has probably been properly cured.

If you want to save your cannabis for a long time, make sure to keep it in an airtight container in a dark, cool place.

Lastly, the article goes on to describe the roles of CBD Madrid and other groups in Spain with regards to cannabis: educating people about the importance of safe and healthy cultivation practices. CBD Madrid reminds the public that they are not certified experts when it comes to cultivation; and as such, they encourage discussions regarding the safety and efficacy of growing techniques from other local enthusiasts.


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