With many people heading back to the office in 2021, it’s a good idea to revisit what to wear when returning to work in a communal environment. The clothes you wear matter; however, it is the jewelry that you wear that makes the ultimate statement, so it is essential to choose the right accents for your work clothes and office environment. 

If you’re returning to work, check out these 11 tips on wearing jewelry at work to ensure you choose the perfect accessories for your office ensemble. Our comprehensive list includes tips for office jobs and jobs, such as construction or food service positions.

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Source: marienalien/ Shutterstock.com

Jewelry for Office Jobs

When you work in an office with other people, you have to consider many factors when making jewelry decisions. These tips offer you guidance on what to consider and what to avoid when picking out accessories for your work clothes every morning. 

1. Consider Your Office Environment

When choosing jewelry to accessorize your outfit, think about your office environment. For example, is your office on the conservative side, or do you work with a group of creative individuals? Does the company you work for focus on environmental issues or staying up-to-date with fashion trends? Depending on your work abode, you may need to adapt your jewelry style and pick pieces that reflect your company’s office culture, values, and public image.

2. Remember, Less Is More

A general rule is that less is more when it comes to jewelry. Most offices are relatively conservative—or, at the very least, neutral—so it is a good idea to put on one or two pieces you think subtly complement your outfit, rather than flashy statement pieces. As an example, you should probably opt for elegant diamond rings for men and not bold and colored rings. 

A simple, elegant gold chain for men works perfectly with a button-up or polo shirt, while women might opt for a beautiful gold bracelet with a three-quarter sleeve shirt or dress.  

3. Choose Statement Piece

Another way to approach picking out a piece of jewelry is to choose a bold statement piece to go with your outfit. This allows you to show off favorite pieces from your collection while not going too overboard in the office. An iced-out diamond bracelet makes a statement for men wearing short sleeves to the office, while a unique gold herringbone necklace is an elegant statement piece for women. 

4. Earrings Are a Safe Bet

No matter what office you work in, earrings are a safe bet for men and women alike. However, just because they are safe doesn’t mean they need to be boring. Triangle-shaped stud earrings are a quirky yet understated choice to rock with a solid-colored dress or button-down. Men can opt for something like a crown-shaped pair of earrings to get the rest of the office talking about your fashion sense. 

5. Watches Do More Than Tell Time

Most people have cell phones and computers at the office to tell them what time it is. When you wear a watch with your work outfit, you aren’t wearing it to tell time; you’re wearing it to make a fashion statement. With a Patek Philippe watch or ladies’ rose gold watch, you’ll surely get asked what the time is, even if your co-worker has their phone in their hand. 

6. Avoid Noisy Jewelry

This might seem to be an odd tip, but certain jewelry might cause a problem with the noise it makes in some workspaces. If you work in a quiet environment, it is best to avoid wearing jewelry that makes a lot of noise. Rather than stacking multiple plastic bracelets or wearing long, dangly earrings, opt for a simple gold bracelet or elegant gold stud earrings instead. 

7. Go for Neutral Pieces

One final tip for choosing the right jewelry for the office is to avoid pieces that make the wrong statement. Never wear a piece of jewelry that makes a political statement. Your personal views matter, but, when it comes to making that statement in your work environment, it’s best to avoid it and select neutral pieces instead. 

Jewelry for Non-Office Jobs

Even if you don’t work in an office, you may be returning to work and wondering what type of jewelry works with your position. However, for many jobs that involve manual labor or dangerous substances, certain types of jewelry can present a workplace hazard. The following are general tips for those who work in non-office-type jobs, so you can be stylish and safe.

8. Food Service

Depending on what position you work in, you might be able to wear jewelry to your food service job. Most places allow you to wear earrings, necklaces, or engagement or wedding rings. A fun way to show your individuality is to wear a personalized gold nameplate necklace that you can show off with your uniform. 

9. Manual Labor

If you work in construction, painting, flooring, or type of manual labor, the idea of wearing jewelry to work might not cross your mind. You might avoid wearing rings, bracelets, or watches so they are not damaged as you work with your hands. One kind of accessory to consider is a  dog-tag chain with a meaningful pendant that you can tuck under your shirt and keep close to your body.

10. Public Service Jobs

Public service jobs like EMT, firefighters, police, and corrections officers are probably the most limited in jewelry choices. This is because many of these jobs have policies against jewelry. However, you can most likely wear an important piece of jewelry, like a wedding ring, even in this type of job. 

Source: AS photostudio/ Shutterstock.com

11. Creative Jobs

If you work in the creative sector or any other non-traditional type job, you might get away with wearing whatever type of jewelry you want. So, while frosty, iced-out chains on your neck might not fly in a conservative space, you’ll probably be encouraged to wear them if you work in promotions or the music industry.  

Rock Your Jewelry the Right Way

Whatever type of office or work environment you are returning to, there is an opportunity to wear the jewelry you love. While some workplaces may not encourage big, bold chains or iced-out accessories, there is usually a way to work in your accessories to complement your look and respect the culture of your office. 

By taking these 11 tips on wearing jewelry to work into consideration when you get ready each morning, you can use the items in your jewelry case to show off your individuality while still fitting in at work.


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