1. It’s a distortion in perception when you hear the following sentence: “I can’t help but believe that the majority of the world is controlled by a few.

2. It is a distortion in perception when you hear the following sentence I cant help but believe that the majority of the world is controlled by a few.

It depends on which of these questions you ask. If you ask which of these is not a distortion in your perception, then you should answer (1). When you ask for a list of people who you believe are controlling the world, you should answer (2).

The answer to 1 is “most of the world is controlled by a few.” This would mean that most people in the world are controlled by a few. The answer to 2 is “most of the world is not controlled by a few.” This would mean that most of the world is not controlled by a few. But it’s not a distortion in perception, it’s simply a fact.

This is true. Most people on Earth are not controlled by a few. They’re controlled by a few controlling a few.

This is true, but not really.

Most people on Earth are not controlled by a few controlling a few, but the fact is most people on Earth are not controlled by a few. This is a distortion in perception.

This is not a distortion in perception. Rather it is simply a fact. Most people on Earth are not controlled by a few, but the fact is most people on Earth are not controlled by a few. This is an exaggeration in perception.

I think this quote is a distortion in perception because the people who do the controlling of a few are not actually controlling the many. The many are controlled by a few. The many are controlled by a few controlling a few. This is a distortion in perception.

In the quote, I’m including the word “many” because the word “many” can mean things like a lot of people, or the number of people, or a lot of people is a lot of people. It’s not a distortion in perception if it means a lot of people.


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