For those who don’t want to wait for the Hair Transplant machine devices of tomorrow, those now on the market may be a good option. According to this article, there is no way around the fact that if you want a thinning head of hair that is thicker and fuller, you will have to deal with surgery. However, if you do decide to go through with it and undergo a procedure involving surgery and scalpels, here are some of the benefits:

1. You can choose an area of your head for thinning out.

2. You can choose to get hair from an area on your head that is not damaged.

3. The hair will look natural.

4. It can create a fuller and thicker appearance for those who choose to use it as a “mild” alternative for those who want to save their money and go through life with a sparse head of hair.

5. The procedure is painless and the recovery time is short, usually two weeks at most.

6. It has no risk of scarring or infection as there are no cuts involved, just the insertion of the grafts into the scalp area to grow new hair for you!

One surgeon,who has performed almost one thousand procedures in this area, claims that these devices will cause the market to grow even further. As this article reported, more and more people are losing their hair as they age, and many want a solution that is not only biocompatible but also affordable. With the new invention of these small devices that can be used to simply inject hair where it is needed instead of attaching it directly to the skin as is done with traditional methods of hair transplantation, there may be a boom in business for those who know how to perform the surgery safely and effectively.

As with any medical procedure though, potential risks always exist. This article summarizes what you can expect if you decide to undergo this type of treatment.

1. The first month after the procedure could be uncomfortable as you heal, but otherwise should be fine.

2. Some mild scarring could occur. This is why it is best not to choose this method if your scalp cannot handle any type of discomfort or irritation, as scar tissue may form around the area where the grafts are inserted, which will not disappear anytime soon—if ever.

3. You may notice some redness at the site of the grafts for a few days after the procedure, but it should go away quickly and with little to no attention required from you!

4. It is not recommended for those who have a history of scalp irritation and it may be unsafe to perform on those with light skin. However, if you have no such problems and your doctor is able to perform this on you, then it should work great for you!

5. Even though there will be no risk of infection, this procedure cannot be used if the person has had radiation or chemotherapy treatments in the past month or more, as they can interfere with new hair growth.

6. There is a chance of scarring that can become noticeable after some time.

7. Nausea, vomiting, or other side effects are rare but might occur depending on your tolerance for pain.

8. Because of the nature of this procedure, it is not advisable for women who are pregnant because there could be complications while the fetus is developing inside the mother’s womb.

9. There may be a risk of damage to nearby nerves that could result in numbness in the recipient area that may be permanent if there is too much pressure placed on nearby nerves while inserting or removing grafts into the scalp.


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