Autism is an important cause that deserves to be promoted on social media. Autism social media can help spread the word about what autism really means and how it affects people’s lives, online and off. Plus, there are many ways to promote your cause on a variety of different networks including Facebook (where you can create a page), Twitter (for quick updates), Pinterest (to show pictures) or even Instagram (for short videos). In this post, we’ll explore some powerful ways for you to promote your cause!

On Facebook: Create a page for your cause. This is also where you can create groups, which are often the best way to connect and organize events or other activism related tasks. It’s important that if you’re part of an Autism organization like The Arc (or any Autism advocacy group), that you post on their pages as well! A single person cannot promote autism all by themselves–your friends need to be involved too! If someone has asked for help in promoting Autism awareness then it would be great for them to share this article with others who might not know how they can get involved.

Share posts from relevant organizations and charities so people will learn more about what different types of organizations do when they hear about Autism.

Post facts and statistics related to Autism so that others understand how it impacts the community and society in general.

Share articles, blog posts, or other content from sources you trust on your social media page–these can be friends who are also advocates too! A great way to find new material is by using a service like Feedly which allows you to subscribe to updates from websites with useful information for autism advocacy groups. They’ll show up right on your desktop when they come out! The only problem is that autoplay videos do not work well here–you have better luck uploading them onto YouTube as video uploads there don’t take quite as long (or give problems) like they might at Facebook’s site.

Don’t forget to add hashtags! A great place to find out about popular tags is on the Autism Speaks website.

If you have a blog, don’t be afraid to put links in your posts that people can click for more information–they might not know what autism is yet or may want more resources and education as they’re going through their journey of understanding this disability better.

Post images with text labels pointing towards something interesting like “This person has been dealing with an issue related to autsim.” The viewer will instantly know that it’s relevant content because it was labeled well enough by someone who cares about them getting appropriate info!

If there are any other tips for promoting Autism awareness online we missed, please share them in the comments below.

If you have a blog, don’t be afraid to put links in your posts that people can click for more information–they might not know what autism is yet or may want more resources and education as they’re going through their journey of understanding this disability better. This will also allow readers who are interested in finding out about your topic to find other articles related to it without having to search.

If you have a page on social media, it’s important to share all of the latest news and articles from reputable sources. This will help people keep up with what’s happening in Autism research and advocacy.

It can be hard to stay current with everything going on but try your best! You’re providing an invaluable service by doing this for the community–we need more parents like you!

Don’t forget that while Autism is a disability, it doesn’t mean someone has any less worth or value than anyone else (even if they struggle). Spread love and acceptance every day!


Autism is a condition that affects many people every day. In this post, we explored some powerful ways you can promote your cause on social media to help spread the word about what autism really means and how it impacts peoples’ lives, online and off.


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