Dealing with an addiction is one of the hardest physical and emotional battles you will ever undertake. The road ahead will have its ups and downs and generally require you to show hero-like resolve. However, it’s a battle you need to fight if you want to reclaim your life. Addiction may not seem like much, but it affects nearly every avenue of your life. Your long-term physical health will suffer, your relationships will falter, and your career might see impediments. It would be best to break the habit as soon as possible, yet we understand that’s easier said than done.
This article aims to make the process easier and more manageable. We understand that most people struggling with addiction don’t know where to start and how to move forward. Let’s give you a dose of good news. The fact that you are reading this article is a step in the right direction. It means that you might be ready to admit that you have an issue and are willing to take steps to move toward sobriety. 

Read on till the end of this article for five things that can help make the journey to recovery easier.

Find a rehab facility

Find the right rehab facility rather than simply checking yourself into one. Scout the options and see which one suits you the best. There are tons of options out there, however, not all of them might be the right fit for you. Moreover, you need to find a place with ethical practices and keeps your best interest in mind.
A quick Google search will give you all the relevant rehab options to deal with alcohol addiction. Most websites give you an in-depth breakdown of what the institution is all about and how they operate. Understanding the facilities’ values is extremely important if you plan on working with them in the long run. Knowing what they stand for and aligning yourself with their goals will get you the help you need. 

Rehab facilities also ensure that the physical effects of withdrawal don’t hit you as hard as if you were to cut it cold turkey. They have a specialized staff consisting of doctors and therapists who can ease you through the process and help you achieve sobriety. 

Working out 

Working out while you are trying to break an addiction can help manage the cravings and train your body to respond to the detox process more efficiently. Exercise, in general, is important, but if you are going through physical changes, you might want to work out as much as possible.
You stand to rid the body of toxins the more you work out. As you sweat, toxins and other harmful substances leave your body and flush themselves out of your system. Coupled with copious amounts of water, you will start to notice positive changes in no time. The average withdrawal phase for alcohol lasts between a few months. However, if you work out, you might manage the physical effects of withdrawal better and fight off cravings. 

Simply doing a few pushups or squats every time you feel the urge to drink again could help you fight relapse and give you the necessary boost of endorphins and dopamine that your body craves.


Writing is one of the best forms of catharsis that you can engage in. Many people choose not to talk about their experiences when going through a tough time because they are embarrassed about the stigma surrounding their addiction. If that’s the case, you may need to voice your thoughts in other ways.
We understand that there may be a cacophony of thoughts in your head at the moment and they might seem to get the best of you. It’s important to get your thoughts onto paper and clear the brain fog. Catharsis is an extremely soul freeing experience that can help you through several emotional issues. The rush of thoughts and negative emotions during withdrawal could get the best of you sometimes, therefore, make sure you write them down and reflect upon them later. 

Doing so also gives you a mental map of your triggers and what steps you can take to address them and start getting better. 

Spending more time with loved ones

Drawing on social support during addiction is extremely important. Support, love, and care from the right people can make you realize what you have been missing out on all this time. It seems cheesy and cliché, but care and concern from your loved ones can actually help you break the habit.
Talking about your issues, having a shoulder to cry on and someone to walk you through the process is extremely beneficial. Whether it’s a parent, sibling, S/O, or friend, merely having someone around can be a game-changer in the battle against addiction. You suddenly don’t feel as alone as you once did and become better equipped to fight the battle. 

Becoming mindful

You and only you can break your relationship with the bottle. However, simply cutting it because you have the will likely lead you to relapse. Most people have a profound reason. Sometimes it’s the fact that they haven’t been good partners, parents, or human beings in general.
Coming to terms with your reason isn’t easy. Perhaps you should meditate and think about what quitting means to you. Mindfulness is one of the best ways to clear your head and be alone with your thoughts. Learning mindfulness exercises can help you achieve more in terms of stress reduction and give you insight into new beneficially thought processes. 

Meditation is tried and tested method and there is no harm in starting small. There are absolutely no drawbacks; you will only benefit from the process. Just make sure you have the time to practice the exercises uninterrupted, so look for a quiet and calming place like a wellness retreat in the UK and practice meditation exercises.


We’ve some things that can make your journey considerably more manageable and help you along towards sobriety. Traversing the road ahead will be extremely difficult, however, the decisions you make help you secure a future for yourself and your loved ones.
We talked about points ranging from rehab facilities to meditation and the role of social support. If you are planning on quitting drinking, these tips could go a long way in helping you achieve your goals.

Stay strong and power through. It may seem like time is passing slower during the withdrawal phase but rest assured, it’ll be over before you know it. 


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